The City Itself

mayors-and-councillor-makersIt’s a pleasure and a privilege to be joined by representatives of the Tri-Cities, the Mayor of Kitchener Berry Vrbanovic, the Mayor of Waterloo Dave Jaworsky, and the Cambridge Ward 4 councillor Jan Liggett. Fresh from the heat and steel of their robot battle, they join us to talk about maker culture in Waterloo Region, our maker community and its relation to arts and culture, and what it feels like to be a real life robot jock.

Hit play to find out who won.

Lisa McTwister

lisa-mcintire-balloon-artistLisa McTwister became interested in art at a young age, experimenting with an assortment of creative fields, from crochet to stained glass. Stumbling upon balloons, she learned that twisting tubes of latex could be so much more than stick figure-like creations. Lisa specializes in advanced balloon modeling, making amazing and creative animals, princesses, superheroes and other extraordinary pieces. She is seen regularly at birthday parties, school functions, promotional events, and even as a member of the Airigami team on some large-scale projects.

Lisa’s at MakerExpo working on Kayloth, the Water Dragon, and you can find more of Lisa’s incredible work here on Facebook.


Avocado Co-op – @AvocadoCoop

The Avocado Co-Op thinks long term. With a motto of sustainable living simplified, they’re a retail co-op that focus on offering members sustainable products, from compost bags to light bulbs. In a journey of environmental stewardship, they try to offer members excellent value on recycled and sustainable goods.

Here at Maker Expo, they’re teaching people how to make their own laundry powder, and offering them other sustainable options for consumer goods. To join or find out more, you can find them at, or chat with them on Twitter @AvocadoCoop.

The Sienci Mill One – @SienciLabs

andy-lee-sienci-labsSienci Labs is pronounced C N C Labs, and that’s what they bring to the game. Their desktop mill is designed for fast prototyping, making designs, and generally making it easy to create fun and incredible things. With the goal of putting the power of creation at your fingertips, they’re trying to revolutionize the milling scene.

That’s really funny if you’re a machinist.

Here at Maker Expo, they’ll be helping people design and mill things all day, giving everyone they can a piece to take home. You can find out more at, or chat with them on Twitter @SienciLabs.

Stephanie Rozek – @hivewr

Hive Waterloo Region works to build digital literacy and diversity in our community, and was formed out of the Year of Code Initiative. Stephanie joins us to talk about making and teaching kids to code, as well as her experience in tech in Waterloo Region.

For more information about Hive Waterloo Region, visit

Cassie – 100 Days

cassie-100-daysCassie from 100 Days joins us, because every maker’s body is an ongoing project. She coaches training and fitness on instagram, youtube, and all kinds of other places. She’s driven and passionate about fitness after taking a blow to the head. No really. She’s incredible. Click the thing.

You can find Cassie on her Instagram, at onehundred.days

Andrew Marchment – @andrewmarchment

We’re joined by Andrew Marchment, an electronics maker and exhibitor here at Maker Expo! He’s got kids soldering and printing in invisible ink, and is a student at Conestoga College, and they’re still looking for final projects from the community.

To contact Andrew about custom work or projects, you can reach him at