artshine-emilyWe’re joined by Emily, an incredible artist from Artshine! Artshine is a mobile art school for children and adults alike, hosting camps, art programs, and art and wine socials in Waterloo Region. Boasting a brand new curriculum, they set their sites on helping everyone in the community express their creativity.

To find out more about programs, camps, and opportunities, you can visit them here at Maker Expo, find them online at, or chat with them on Twitter at @ARTSHINEINC.

Cam Turner – @MakerExpo

Midday we’re joined by Cam Turner, Maker Expo organizer and Lord of the Tinker Truck. A professional maker working with schools and festivals, he’s got a lot to say about how making brings people together and inspires kids to greater heights.

There are rockets, rivers, water dragons, and robot battles all day here, rain or shine, and we’ve already had about three thousand people come through. Join us!

Joooooin us…..

Canadian RoVa3D Printer Demo – @ORDSolutions

chris-ord-solutionsORD stands for Object Replication and Design, and today at Maker Expo they’re bringing a full colour (CYMKW) 3d printer to show off. Designing and building their 3d printers locally, they’re looking to push the boundaries of commercial 3d printing. They’ll be demonstrating their 3d printer all day, as well as hands on 3d painting, and holding a draw. Two lucky winners will have their creations 3d printed for them.

To find out more about ORD Solutions, visit, or follow them on Twitter at @ORDSolutions.

Twilight Rabbit – @JessicaClayman

jessica-clayman-twilight-rabbitJessica Clayman creates incredible tarot decks and other art at Twilight Rabbit, and has presented at a number of art shows in town, as well as consulting on comics and rpgs.

To see more of her work, find her at

Canadian Association for Girls in Science

cagis-portia-and-zakiaToday we’re joined by Zakia and Portia of the Canadian Association for Girls in Science (CAGIS). CAGIS runs workshops to encourage girls to engage in STEM fields. Offering events for girls ages 7-16, they want to drive an interest in equity and science through communication and outreach.

Their workshop at Maker Expo is Build Your Own Superbug, encouraging kids to learn about healthcare, antibiotics, and the creation of superbugs, all while making one to take home.

Head over to to find out more, and to see if there’s a chapter near you, or find our local chapter on Facebook.


Edu-shield has created a circuit board (the Edu-Shield) and a tutorial course to help children learn about the Arduino, programming, and simple electronics. They’ve even run this course at a local elementary school. Their boards (assembled or unassembled) will be available for purchase. Attendees can see the Edu-Shield in action at our booth and will be encouraged to interact with these devices. They will be programming the Edu-Shields during the expo to show attendees how simple they are to program and learn.

For more information on Edu-Shield, check out

Maker Expo! – @MakerExpo

So good we had to say it three times in the tweet, Ravi Boobalal, robot warrior and Maker Expo organizer joins us to kick off the event. He’ll be presiding over the Botbrawl arena all day, including the mayoral showdown at 2:30.

Ravi showcases a lot of what Maker Expo has to offer today, and how it’s brought together the community to celebrate the fact that we are all makers. Join him, and us, and everyone else for free at Kitchener City Hall from 10-6 today, and find out more information on the installations and exhibitors at